Show the irony!

So, the countries have economies and belong to the same earth under the same space which shines the stars to people in many countries. The leprechauns are fictional for many and the green they wear can be taken into food being on top in the mind for animals, plants and others. The fire that lights the forest to a chaos is to make another forest and the burnt match stick in the far off city is an emblem of the happening, so called a picturesque videos of many.

Thinking the focus, there are many meditating for peace on earth and for themselves too. Many are learnt and shared too. Also, the given is taken to the flight of the bird to message the coolness of the nearby lake.

The shopping every season is a festival to come!

Just because you have the resources you do not have to finish it all, then think about it, the resources you have in mind to earn is already finishing thinking about the new to be earned, famously called greed, fears are ignored!, Ha ha…,

Happiness is bringing in luck and eating resources of others, and they are making new with time, am i evolved or am i lucky!

Psychedelic music is for the dance floor with many people of many countries showing their culture and in the state of trance with the music they are dancing to the beats and grooving with the stories.

Shopping websites are social networking marketing online and offline and getting feedback for many to give sooner or later .

In all, the show is the irony!

The gods of the future

There are gods with great voices bringing great solace to the soul and the mind likewise there are gods with great intellect and intelligenc...