The gods of the future

There are gods with great voices bringing great solace to the soul and the mind likewise there are gods with great intellect and intelligence bringing in nostalgia of peace with knowledge.

In the current time, the technologies are making life comfortable and the ones with the compassion to share are the gods of the future. There are many who add dance, music and art to the literature.

The future will bring in more gods!


Few good websites to visit,


Relfecting stones

The rain drizzle from the clouds is making a reflection in the stone i see while my walk and the rain though yesterday finishes my understandings in time and thoughtfull i walk through the sunny day banking the thoughts to my diet for the day.

Rainbow sunglasses

A drop of water is showing me a rainbow through my sunglasses while i am getting active for the day in the morning after i wake up to wonder if it is the light from my eyes or the sunlight of the morning to show me my different plans of the day that includes calling my friends, brushing my teeth or having my breakfast.

The romancing crow

The small crow always busy with the butterflies and the neighbour with a violin starts to love an eagle before he reaches and the eagle confused with the gesture, whistles from the lake faroff and leaves with the note.

Making new ambitions

The smart phone was very smart for to remind me to wear a cap and i happened to meet the rain after being in love with the new gps, global positioning system, and, soon after the walk i was ready to use more applications.

A waiting table.

Awaiting for the breakfast at the table, the memory of yesterday was stopping me from thinking and very hungry to also reach the plans of the day, the time was ticking with new ideas with the observation at the table and few gossips around were adding confusions to the mind to bring in light to the new day while the tasty breakfast was into me, and, the new things to be done were fixing me to call far approvals and there i was with a new plan and a new day to return with new memories with new friends.

Peacock berries

Sailing in the winds of India, on an elephant wearing earphones of Swiss electronic music, i see a coconut fall to compel me to listen to the nature of the surrounding with a peacock starting to dance to a drizzle.

There were few reddish berries that looked to glitter to health and made me think that consuming them would make me belong to the golden castles of Ancient India.

My sunglasses were calling me when i realized that it was my mother who was remembering me and deep in the forest, the birds were making a music for me to forget the past and enjoy the present. 

Taking it to be my mothers words, i was on my way exploring with bursts of excitement to write to explain to my mother back home. Keeping in mind that i would be reaching back safe to meet my loved ones, i was at the peacock, the national bird of India to embrace the shining beauty of the bird.

The gods of the future

There are gods with great voices bringing great solace to the soul and the mind likewise there are gods with great intellect and intelligenc...